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CfT: Tender for provision of services in relation to the monitoring of contaminants of emerging concern in Malta’s waters and of diffuse sources of pollution for ERA

Name of Contracting Authority:
Sectoral Procurement Directorate
Tender for provision of services in relation to the monitoring of contaminants of emerging concern in Malta’s waters and of diffuse sources of pollution for ERA
CfT CA Unique ID:
Evaluation Mechanism:
Price/Cost Effectiveness
Tender for provision of services in relation to the monitoring of contaminants of emerging concern in Malta’s waters and of diffuse sources of pollution for ERA
Procurement Type:
CPC Category:
Research and development services
2014/24/EU (Classic)
CfT Involves:
A Public Contract
Article Number:
CPV Codes:
79314000-Feasibility study
90733000-Services related to water pollution
90733100-Surface water pollution monitoring or control services
90733200-Surface water pollution rehabilitation services
90733300-Surface water pollution protection services
90733700-Groundwater pollution monitoring or control services
90740000-Pollutants tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation services
90700000-Environmental services
71241000-Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
90711000-Environmental impact assessment other than for construction
90720000-Environmental protection
Inclusion of e-Auctions:
NUTS codes:
Above or Below EU Threshold:
Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate:
09/02/2022 10:00
Deadline for dispatching invitations:
End of clarification period:
06/01/2022 23:45
Tenders Opening Date:
09/02/2022 10:30
Contract awarded in Lots:
EU funding:
Multiple tenders will be accepted:
Contract Notice Date:
17/11/2021 13:45
Award Notice Date:
03/05/2022 09:28
Economic Operator CPV Code Lots Contract Value (null)
AquaBioTech Limited N/A EUR261,936.00
Economic Operator Winner Lots Submitted Financial Value
Ais Environment Ltd No N/A EUR280,190.00
AquaBioTech Limited Yes N/A EUR261,936.00
Ecoserv Ltd No N/A EUR284,725.00
EMDP No N/A EUR338,888.34
All SC CfTs
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