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CfT: Provision of Consultancy Services for Round 4 Reporting Obligations including the Strategic Noise Mapping in Malta under the Directive 2002/49/EC - ERA

Name of Contracting Authority:
Sectoral Procurement Directorate
Provision of Consultancy Services for Round 4 Reporting Obligations including the Strategic Noise Mapping in Malta under the Directive 2002/49/EC - ERA
CfT CA Unique ID:
Evaluation Mechanism:
Price/Cost Effectiveness
Provision of Consultancy Services for Round 4 Reporting Obligations including the Strategic Noise Mapping in Malta under the Directive 2002/49/EC - ERA
Procurement Type:
CPC Category:
Other services
2014/24/EU (Classic)
CfT Involves:
A Public Contract
Article Number:
CPV Codes:
71313100-Noise-control consultancy services
72314000-Data collection and collation services
71621000-Technical analysis or consultancy services
73200000-Research and development consultancy services
73210000-Research consultancy services
73220000-Development consultancy services
90713000-Environmental issues consultancy services
90742000-Services related to noise pollution
90742100-Noise control services
90742200-Noise pollution protection services
90742300-Noise pollution monitoring services
Inclusion of e-Auctions:
NUTS codes:
Above or Below EU Threshold:
Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate:
16/05/2022 10:00
Deadline for dispatching invitations:
End of clarification period:
26/04/2022 23:45
Tenders Opening Date:
16/05/2022 10:30
Contract awarded in Lots:
EU funding:
Multiple tenders will be accepted:
Contract Notice Date:
04/04/2022 09:21
Award Notice Date:
09/08/2022 08:21
Economic Operator CPV Code Lots Contract Value (null)
LEMITOR Ochrona Srodowiska Sp. z o.o. sp.k. N/A EUR59,600.00
Economic Operator Winner Lots Submitted Financial Value
Acustica (EU) Limited No N/A EUR81,950.00
Camilleri and Cuschieri Consulting Engineers No N/A EUR47,000.00
LEMITOR Ochrona Srodowiska Sp. z o.o. sp.k. Yes N/A EUR59,600.00
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